10 Apr 2021

Nbmlhd Service Agreement

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Welcome to the Centre for Nursing Research and Practice Development at Nepean Hospital, Penrith. The centre was established in 1996 under the title Clinical Nursing Research Unit, while the University of Western Sydney (UWS) and the Nepean and Wentworth Area Health Department received competitive funding from NSW Health to create a clinical professor of nursing (in a health department in NSW). When funding was interrupted, the university and the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD) co-financed the unit/centre as part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoA). The unit was renamed the Centre for Nursing Research and Practice Development (CNRPD) in 2013 by the then District Director of Nursing and has since received a new name change at the Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Research (CNMR) in March 2018. SpeeDx Pty. Ltd., a developer of innovative molecular diagnostic solutions, has partnered with researchers from the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD) Nepean Hospital to commercialize a biomarker test for the expression of receptor genes for respiatem virus diseases. The expression of the patented biomarker IFI27, as discovered by NBMLH Drs. Anthony Maclean, Benjamin Tang and colleagues, is strongly correlated with the progression of influenza 1 disease and COVID-19 patients 2. The commercial test will be able to assist clinicians facing difficult patient triage or management decisions and support risk-based stratification in patients with kidney viral disease, including COVID-19. Centre for Nursing Research and Practice Development First Floor – South Wing – Court Building – Nepean HospitalNepean Blue Mountains Local Health DistrictUniversity of Western SydneySchool of Nursing and Midwifery Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District is well positioned to support more than 100 years of continuous community monitoring, research and innovation. The Nepean Hospital Intensive Care Unit is one of NBMLHD`s 5,700 employees. Being on the front line of health means that NBMLHD focuses on practical solutions that have the maximum effect on the health and well-being of patients and their families.

The SpeeDx biomarker test uses the new patented InSigniaTM technology, which improves gene expression measurement and is designed to work on standard laboratory devices, allowing accelerated development and rapid introduction in high-speed, low-speed hospitals. View of the source version on businesswire.com:https:/www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201109005432/en/ Founded in 2009, SpeeDx is an Australian private company with branches in Austin and London and distributors throughout Europe. SpeeDx specializes in molecular diagnostic solutions that go beyond simple detection and provide comprehensive information for better patient management. Innovative real-time polymerized chain reaction (qPCR) technology has developed market-leading multiplex detection and primer strategies.
